IAESTE Philippines
IAESTE (The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) is an independent, non-profit and non-political student exchange Organisation. It provides students of science, engineering, technology and the applied arts with paid, course-related, technical training abroad. Since it was founded in 1948, IAESTE has exchanged more than 330,000 students and has developed into a vibrant and inspirational network of over 80 countries.
POEC Consultancy International Inc.
IAESTE in the Philippines is administered by POEC Consultancy International Inc., an organization engaged in cultural exchange programs in the Philippines with offices in Cebu and Manila. POEC is known as a cultural exchange company, offering international internships to students and young professionals who wish to gain international experience.
In 2007, IAESTE granted POEC it’s co-operating institution status for the Philippines.
To operate a high-quality practical training exchange program between members, to enhance technical and professional development and to promote international understanding and goodwill amongst students, academic institutions, employers and the wider community.
- To provide students in higher education with technical experience relevant to their studies.
- To offer host-companies well-qualified and motivated trainees.
- To be a source of cultural enrichment for trainees and their host communities
Build world-class future leaders and professionals who are competent with their field and are driven towards integrity and innovation.
Promote camaraderie and understanding between people of different cultures.